Found Objects. A painting by Darrin Andrew
La Morte.
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Darrin Andrew La Morte
He painted it to remind himself
of the things he found or to keep some of the things he was given.
Darrin Andrew La Morte
used oil, acrylic paint, broken glass,a light bulb,a practice tennis ball, a CD disk, a plastic CD box to hold leaves, Oliver (Olivar The Goose feather, wood, his favorite range finder camera, a piece of reflective tape used for running at night the kind you put on clothes, play dough (blue), a very old tennis racquet, a working telephone, a book, he used the paper, a night light, the kind used for bathrooms a energy saver, and other found objects. which he found, bought, or was given over the years. The tennis racket La Morte used for this painting was given to him by a life long friend and also a great great artist. The tennis reacket cira 1890, was given to him by the Late artist, John De Nunzio. Found Objects, was painted and the objects were mounted onto the Lauan. Lauan is a piece of Plywood (lauan, meranti, serai) Lauan plywood from Indonesia in The Home Depot, 1997. Mostly called lauan in the United States, tropical plywood is the largest internationally traded tropical hardwood product. ... The name lauan comes from trees found in the Philippines. Found Objects was painted in Connecticut during the Autumn of 2003 during the Month of November.
Click on the painting to see 'Found Objects', being created.
FOUND OBJECTS-A painting By Darrin Andrew La Morte